Monday, 13 February 2017

A Heart of Blackness, a Lord of Pain

The world-that-once-was is dead

The profane age  has been shattered

Ovic, my son, forgive your father

The Fly-God called and I had to heed

Anushka, dearest wife, I regret not holding you once more

The Age of the Dark Ones had been glorious

Ripe with wars, ripe with blessings

Yet such gluttony always heralds downfall

I did not care for the roars of displeased gods

I had long since shed my mortal coils

Now I wander in the pestilent realms

I slaughter with impunity, without joy

The kiss of steel, the embrace of blood

All is naught, all is despair

Now I understand the cruelty of the divine




Hello I guess?^^ So, I've finally decided to take a plunge into this whole blog-thingy (Especially after seeing all the beautiful stuff on Gardens of Hecate and Iron Sleet). So, this blog won't have a specific focus. Most of the stuff I do is either Horus Heresy or Inquisimunda related, but I reckon that there will be some fantasy and AoS28 stuff too.

The Nurgle Champion in this post has been inspired by Jake (Bruticus) ingenious use of the Anakatis'Kul Slave Blades from Forge World's Zardu Layak kit for his own Chaos Warband of Malal.
The paintjob is mostly drybrushing and washing at this stage, as I wanted to emulate the slightly rough, very virulent and colourful style that could be seen in the early years of Magic the Gathering, Realms of Chaos and Liber Chaotica. As the paintjob progresses, I will post more about my artistic process and thinking.

Anyways, that's all for today. Hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you took the plunge into starting a blog! I really look forward to seeing what comes from it. This Nurgle warrior looks great; powerful yet lumbering, ready to stalk the moors forevermore.
